I am using the FiveM Hack for now 15 day, i will create this post for share with you what are my feelings about this cheat.
( Also i am french sorry for my english i will do my best )

Good Point

- ESP Is Very good, Good configuration
- No Recoil work Well
- No Spread Work Well
- Bind Key work very good, and it work also on custom Keyboard / mouse, for exemple on my mouse i have 2 extra button, i can bind cheat to activate / un activate on it !
- Support FiveM Very Well ( after finding how to inject it correcly ^^ i only use it on fivem personaly )
- Teleportation and custom teleportation works good !
- Good ESP Color custom

Bad Points

- We do not have an aimbot ( Patched i think, maybe again in the futur )
- We can not give only 1 weapon like a pistol to our player, we have to give every weapon that can cause a ban to some server due to blacklisted weapon
- We only have 2 Custom teleportation point, on FiveM for exemple drugs point are generaly 3 or 4 points
- We can't spawn vehicules
- We can't Change our charctere models or change cloth like in a mod menu ( Mennyo if i remember have this )
- We can't teleport to us, We have to teleport to them
- We can't give player weapon but we can remove player weapon ...

Here it is my review, the cheat is still pretty good for 12$ and the FiveM Support wich is very rare ! I think they can add more feature to the FiveM hack due to the fact that it don't use official RockStar servers i think it can be more easy to add feature, i hope !

I will still use it and continue to buy it because its very usefull !

thanks for reading, sorry again for my bad english and have a great hacking day !